Case Study

 KWSP – Helping the Malaysian workforce to save for their retirement.


Providing an online intuitive learning system that is personalized to its employees


Kumpulan Wang Simpanan Pekerja (KWSP) is one of the world’s oldest provident funds where it manages the compulsory savings plan and retirement planning for private sector workers in Malaysia.

KWSP was searching for high learning quality content to upskill their employees by providing training as well as development opportunities. The goal was to arm their current employees with new skills and knowledge at their fingertips to drive the company’s digital transformation agenda. 


We provided KWSP with access to the LinkedIn Learning platform. The platform is designed to help KSWP users gain new skills and knowledge that are in demand, as well as to improve their job performance and advance their careers.

The platform provides professional development and career-related training to individuals and organizations as well as a wide range of courses and tutorials on a variety of topics, including business, technology, creative skills, and more. 

Increased employee usage on the LinkedIn Learning platform.

KWSP employees efficiently conducted personalized training and have better internal mobility for learning after implementing LinkedIn Learning.

With access to a vast library of online courses and training materials, employees are able to tailor their learning to their specific needs and interests, resulting in more efficient and effective training. Additionally, the platform’s internal mobility features make it easy for employees to connect with others in the company and explore new career opportunities, leading to a more engaged and motivated workforce.